For Pete's Sake (CD)

Sale price$15.98


Psychedelic funk, jazz and rock covers of Pete Rock’s Greatest Tracks from MF DOOM’s go-to instrumentalist

Mr. Chop, the multi-talented producer, engineer, and guitar-reared multi-instrumentalist behind a host of releases on Now-Again and Jazzman Records, couldn’t have foretold that the legendary rapper MF DOOM would call him “the illest to grace the boards” after tapping into his otherworldly skills as co-producer/co-writer on a series of tracks on the recently released Born Like This album on Lex Records. Nor 4k covers of producer Pete Rock’s greatest beats.

Nor could he have called that Pete Rock’s long time collaborator, CL Smooth, upon hearing the versions of “T.R.O.Y.” and “Straighten It Out” would beg to record an album with him.

His is a unique take and has lead to an album that “the heads” will recognize by, say, the Tom Scott sax-line Pete Rock poached for “T.R.O.Y.”, or a host of other sample-based calls and response that Chop has deconstructed into their component parts and reassembled again. But his is an album that will appeal to music lovers, regardless of their musical leaning, as a master-class in fuzzy, funky grooves.


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