The Cockpit (CD)

Sale price$19.98


Ships in early July!

Rudy Rays Petey Wheatstraw was inspired by the real deal, an influential blues recording artist from back in the 1930s who spelled it Peetie and billed himself not only as the Devilís Son-in-Law but also the High Sheriff From Hell with song titles like I Want Some Seafood and Meat Cutter Blues. Poetic humor. Rhythm and rhyme. Thats where Rudy Ray got the name and then turned his jokester character from a comedy bit into a 1976 motion picture... and during the filming where I, Don Randell, first met Rudy Ray Moore.

The Cockpit was recorded in front of a live audience, their great applause an indication of how deeply into Rudy Ray they were with his pimpin& players sex on wax party album... ghetto street rhymes that help them free their minds and release some pressure. Rudy Ray Moore takes them on a high flyin wicked ride, in total control at the helm in The Cockpit.
- Liners Notes by Donald Randell


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